
TTR News Center

…The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Guadalupe River at Victoria.

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…The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following river in


Guadalupe River At Victoria affecting Victoria County


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information, as additional rainfall could affect crest

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754 PM CST THU DEC 8 2016

The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Guadalupe River At Victoria.
* At 7:15 PM Thursday, the stage was 20.8 feet.
* No flooding is forecast.
* Fell below flood stage at 6:19 PM Thursday.
* Flood stage is 21.0 feet.
* Forecast: The river will continue a slow fall, dropping below
caution stage of 12.0 feet Saturday morning.
* At 21.0 feet, minor lowland flooding occurs, as the flow exceeds the
east bank into low areas of Riverside Park.


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